Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Speech Progress!

In May, I posted about Isaac's Speech Therapy Progress. At that time, Isaac tested at 23 errors, and 19th percentile. Then we set some goals and worked very hard this summer on CH, SH, and a little TH. On Monday, Isaac was retested and recieved only 13 errors!! That put him at the 31 percentile. With this level of progress, we have decided to have him "graduate" from this speech therapist and only see one this school year.

Way to go, Isaac! We are so proud of you and your hard work!

And Thank You so much to this great speech therapist and the wonderful program that she works with. Without them, Isaac would not have been able to recieve the therapy that he needed! Isaac totally loved going there, and was in tears today when he heard that he would be "done" now.


Kristin said...


malette-foreveryoung said...

That is great news

Arnegard said...

That is awesome! Congrats to Isaac and to MOM too! Besides being one HOT mama, you are a great one too!