Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our adoption journey (so far)

We started our adoption journey in January 2008 when we started working with a local agency. Our homestudy and training took about six months so in June 2008 we were put in "their book". We sat there for two years waiting for an adoption in the state of ND.

Finally in 2010 we decided that we needed to go out of state. We started working with a new agency that does homestudies in ND and MN. We spent the summer doing paper work and redoing our homestudy. Our fingerprints came back in September so now we are in the "waiting" stage again.

I feel a lot more hopeful with this agency though, they have been able to show us more "situations" in the last month than the local one did in 2 years. So hopefully soon one of these situations will work out to our baby.


Kristin said...

Love you!!!

Arnegard said...

Best of luck!

Angela :-) said...

Sometimes just having more reason to hope makes us feel better. :-)

Angela :-)