Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blue Jays

We love to watch birds at our house. Lately we have been enjoying frequent visits from Blue Jays. They like the sunflower seeds. This is a fun bird to watch because they will scream before landing to eat. That way we know when to look for it. We have all gotten accustomed to the sound so when we hear it we all automatically look out the window. I tried to take a picture but it didnt turn out very well.


malette-foreveryoung said...

This is a nice hobby for you family

Arnegard said...

I was thinking of hanging a bird feeder this winter for the girls to watch the birds out our window.... need to do that before we get snow though!

Lori said...

Neat! I love watching birds too. Sadly I didnt keep my birdfeeders filled this year.